SQL Queries freezing the server.

Well, Recently I started facing a problem within the SQL Queries as they do freeze the server for a second or two, Depending on it's task - Any fix for that ?

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
SQL Queries freezing the server. - by -CaRRoT - 15.08.2013, 14:23
Re: SQL Queries freezing the server. - by -Prodigy- - 15.08.2013, 14:54
Re: SQL Queries freezing the server. - by Vince - 15.08.2013, 15:19
Re: SQL Queries freezing the server. - by Scenario - 15.08.2013, 15:23
Re: SQL Queries freezing the server. - by -CaRRoT - 15.08.2013, 15:25

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