teleport commands for players names?

HELLO i was wondering if i could make a teleport command for specific players?
cause i have private mapped houses that i want only specific players with matching names to teleport there a bit like private cars but with commands?

btw i do use

dcmd_stunt(playerid, cmdtext[]) {
    #pragma unused cmdtext
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, 3362.1589355469,-2069.42578125,46.729736328125);
    new name[24], string[128];
    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2)
new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
    format(string, 128, "{00FFEE}%s (%d){C9FFAB} ..::has gone to do some stunt::..{6600FF}(/STUNT)", name, playerid);
    SendClientMessageToAll(playerid,  string);
    return 1;
thank you much appreciated

Messages In This Thread
teleport commands for players names? - by kaos999 - 15.08.2013, 00:20
Re : teleport commands for players names? - by Naruto_Emilio - 15.08.2013, 01:15
Re: Re : teleport commands for players names? - by kaos999 - 15.08.2013, 01:24
Re: teleport commands for players names? - by Lyksus - 15.08.2013, 01:56
Re: Re : teleport commands for players names? - by Lyksus - 15.08.2013, 02:00
Re: teleport commands for players names? - by Legend_Of_War - 15.08.2013, 02:05
Re: teleport commands for players names? - by Naruto_Emilio - 15.08.2013, 02:10
Re: teleport commands for players names? - by Lyksus - 15.08.2013, 02:50

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