Help with FTP

Show us your FTP log. What does it say?

A working connection will look something like this:
Answer:	220 FTP Server ready.
Command:	USER *******
Answer:	331 Password required for *******
Command:	PASS ********
Answer:	230 User ***** logged in.
Command:	SYST
Answer:	215 UNIX Type: L8
Command:	FEAT
Answer:	211-Features:
Answer:	 MDTM
Answer:	 MFMT
Answer:	 TVFS
Answer:	 MFF modify;;UNIX.mode;
Answer:	 MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
Answer:	 SIZE
Answer:	211 End
Status:	Server does not support non-ASCII characters.
Status:	Connecting
Status:	Fetching directory list ...
Command:	PWD
Answer:	257 "/" is the current directory
Command:	TYPE I
Answer:	200 Type set to I
Command:	PASV
Answer:	227 Entering Passive Mode (*******).
Command:	MLSD
Answer:	150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
Answer:	226 Transfer complete
Status:	Directory list received...

Messages In This Thread
Help with FTP - by dEcooR - 12.08.2013, 16:03
Re: Help with FTP - by Sinner - 12.08.2013, 17:00
Re: Help with FTP - by dEcooR - 12.08.2013, 19:06
Re: Help with FTP - by NiceWizard - 12.08.2013, 19:52
Re: Help with FTP - by dEcooR - 13.08.2013, 07:47
Re: Help with FTP - by UltraPlayer - 13.08.2013, 08:59
Re: Help with FTP - by NiceWizard - 13.08.2013, 09:08
Re: Help with FTP - by dEcooR - 13.08.2013, 10:20
Re: Help with FTP - by dEcooR - 13.08.2013, 10:23
Re: Help with FTP - by NiceWizard - 13.08.2013, 11:12

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