Originally Posted by xganyx
Hey you forgot something is the
PHP код:
new Float: Vita = 0; // Health Float
new Float: Armatura = 0; // Armour Float
GetPlayerHealth(killerid, Vita); //Here I get killer's health
GetPlayerArmour(killerid, Armatura); //Here I get killer's armour // here should be getplayerarmour
new randMSG = random(sizeof(RandomKill));
format(stringa, sizeof(stringa), "{00FF00}*{FFFFFF}*{FF0000}* {FFFFFF}%s ha %s %s {FF0000}| %s | H/A:%d | FT: %0.2f |", nome2, RandomKill[randMSG], nome, GunNames[GetPlayerWeapon(killerid)], floatround(Vita+Armatura)/*floatround (health+armour)*/, Distanza);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, stringa);}
OMG. OMG. OMG. Never noticed that!! Thanks so much!. It'll work fine. Never, never noticed it! That's so hilarious. REP +.