[FilterScript] [FS] CoordsSaver [Version: CSPro]

Scripted by Rafelder [based on Eightballs coords script]

I saw many topic about saving coords. (Or people who wants to have a script to save their coords)
I also know there are more scripts, which can save coords.
But i wanted to script an All-In-One Coords-Saver.

Only admins can use the script.
You just need the a_samp.inc

You can save: (In scriptfiles) (W = Weapon, A = Ammu)
( Savemode 1 ) Playerclasses (Skin, X, Y, Z, angle)(W1, A1, W2, A2, W3, A3) [File = "player_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 2 ) Vehicles (Modelid, X, Y, Z, angle, respawn_delay)(Cartype: AddStaticVehicleEx/CreateVehicle) [File = "car_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 3 ) Pickups (Modelid, type, X, Y, Z)(Pickuptype: AddStaticPickup/CreatePickup) [File = "pickup_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 4 ) Explosion (X, Y, Z, type, radius) [File = "xplode_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 5 ) PlayerCheckpoint (X, Y, Z, size) [File = "playercp_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 6 ) RaceCheckpoint (Type, X, Y, Z, size) [File = "racecp_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 7 ) Blank Coords (X, Y, Z, angle, interior) [File = "blank_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 8 ) PlayerMapIcons (Iconid) [File = "mapicon_coords.txt"]
( Savemode 9 ) Teleport command (Command, teleportmessage) [File = "teleports_coords.txt"]

/savemode [1-9] to select your savemode.
/savepos to save your coords.
/c [text] to write something in the actually savemodefile.
/del to delete the last line in the actually savemodefile.

New in V.1.1:
Added '/savemodemenu' to select the savemode in a menu.
Adminbug fixed + some messages fixed.

New in V.1.2:
Added '/delay [seconds]' to edit the respawn_delay ingame.
Added '/vtype [AddStaticVehicleEx/CreateVehicle]' to change the cartype ingame.

New in V.1.3:
Added '/ptype [AddStaticPickup/CreatePickup]' to change to pickuptype ingame.
Blank Coords add-on: [Vehicle/Player] [X... (angle), interior]
Added '/spawn [Modelid/Vehiclename]' to spawn a vehicle.
Added '/savehelp' to see the avaiable commands.

New in V.1.4:
Added '/setskin [skinid]' to change the skin.
Add-on for Savemode 1: '/savepos [weapon1, ammu1, weapon2, ammu2, weapon3, ammu3]' (Isn't needed)

New in V.1.5:
Added Savemode ( 8 ): PlayerMapIcons
Added Savemode ( 9 ): TeleportCommand

New in CSPro:
Completly rewritten
Fixxed bugs
Added 'AddStaticVehicle' to vehicletypes

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f3d2c7198
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.de/files/39829245/CSPro.pwn.html

If you have some ideas (maybe more savemodes or other things) tell me.

Messages In This Thread
[FS] CoordsSaver [Version: CSPro] - by Rafelder_GRF - 11.01.2008, 07:48
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.0 - by Freestyler - 11.01.2008, 08:13
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.0 - by g@k - 11.01.2008, 08:13
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.2 - by Exlac - 11.01.2008, 13:11
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by MaTrIx4057 - 11.01.2008, 16:59
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by Rafelder_GRF - 11.01.2008, 17:00
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by MaTrIx4057 - 11.01.2008, 17:09
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by Rafelder_GRF - 11.01.2008, 17:11
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by MaTrIx4057 - 11.01.2008, 17:26
Re: [FS] CoordsSaver V.1.3 - by MaTrIx4057 - 11.01.2008, 17:34

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