Prevent switch weapons

Hi all, are you okay?

I was wondering how to go about preventing the player to switch a heavy weapon (Style AK-47, shotgun, sniper etc.) to not have so many heavy weapons, unrealistic thing.


Messages In This Thread
Prevent switch weapons - by JacobWilkerson - 10.08.2013, 18:56
Re: Prevent switch weapons - by BullseyeHawk - 10.08.2013, 19:14
Re : Prevent switch weapons - by JacobWilkerson - 10.08.2013, 19:21
Re: Prevent switch weapons - by BullseyeHawk - 10.08.2013, 19:40
Re: Prevent switch weapons - by dEcooR - 10.08.2013, 19:56

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