Hosted List

Volt-Host it is only overpriced and i think that there must be a rule from game-mp that hosting companies can not put high prices for resale Hosting tab. I have an account in game-mp and the real price is 9 euros, so i think that Colorhost do not have any earnings from that because their price is 12.35 dollars, it is about 9 euros, but price in Volt-Host is 25 dollars, it is twice as much more than the real price, they simply take advantage of the opportunity...

Messages In This Thread
Hosted List - by Pottus - 07.08.2013, 06:07
Re: Hosted List - by DowDaw - 07.08.2013, 06:18
Respuesta: Hosted List - by Potassium - 07.08.2013, 06:28
Re: Respuesta: Hosted List - by Pottus - 07.08.2013, 06:55
Re: Hosted List - by Th3_P4dr1n0 - 08.08.2013, 22:40
Re: Hosted List - by woot - 08.08.2013, 22:56
Re: Respuesta: Hosted List - by FaceTutorialz - 08.08.2013, 23:46
Re: Hosted List - by Scenario - 08.08.2013, 23:51
Re: Hosted List - by ReV. - 09.08.2013, 00:15
Re: Hosted List - by Th3_P4dr1n0 - 09.08.2013, 01:36

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