Detect w

Why people would change controls? Default controls are much easier to use than edited ones. Anyways, I've changed my mind, how could I make stock to detect if player has moved/ran or smthing..

Messages In This Thread
Detect w - by Harry_F. - 07.08.2013, 15:41
Re: Detect w - by StuartD - 07.08.2013, 15:48
Re: Detect w - by Harry_F. - 07.08.2013, 15:56
Re: Detect w - by Vince - 07.08.2013, 16:38
Re: Detect w - by FUDDS - 07.08.2013, 16:39
Re: Detect w - by Harry_F. - 07.08.2013, 18:36
Re: Detect w - by Harry_F. - 07.08.2013, 20:11
Re: Detect w - by Harry_F. - 08.08.2013, 06:29
Re: Detect w - by Vince - 08.08.2013, 09:22
Re: Detect w - by Harry_F. - 08.08.2013, 10:06

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