Hosted List

I have been thinking about this for a while and it's been itching to come out so finally I'm going to speak my mind on this and how in all sense of the word "lame" the hosted list has become.

My three main points.

1) - Create account button has been closed for years.
2) Hosting companies selling overpriced servers.
3) SAMP is supposed to be a free community it's absolutely disgusting the profit mongering that happens with companies such as Colorhost and Volthost that basically have the hosted list hijacked.

I think we deserve a better community than this it's supposed to be a free community if I'm not mistaken and in my opinion the current situation with the hosted list defiles what the SAMP community is built on by allowing commercialization of free software.

Everyone should have a fair chance at the hosted list without the need of 3rd party individuals profiteering from forced hosting.

Messages In This Thread
Hosted List - by Pottus - 07.08.2013, 06:07
Re: Hosted List - by DowDaw - 07.08.2013, 06:18
Respuesta: Hosted List - by Potassium - 07.08.2013, 06:28
Re: Respuesta: Hosted List - by Pottus - 07.08.2013, 06:55
Re: Hosted List - by Th3_P4dr1n0 - 08.08.2013, 22:40
Re: Hosted List - by woot - 08.08.2013, 22:56
Re: Respuesta: Hosted List - by FaceTutorialz - 08.08.2013, 23:46
Re: Hosted List - by Scenario - 08.08.2013, 23:51
Re: Hosted List - by ReV. - 09.08.2013, 00:15
Re: Hosted List - by Th3_P4dr1n0 - 09.08.2013, 01:36

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