Can not launch server

Originally Posted by Unte99
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Konstantinos, it's good only if you want to go into your server alone, but I have to test the scripts with more than one person, and I have to make sure that everything works correctly. So localhost is not an option for me. I need at least one more person to connect to my server.
You need to join from localhost if the server is port-forwarded to your computer. The rest of the players need to join to YOUR_REAL_IP:2643

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Messages In This Thread
Can not launch server - by Unte99 - 04.08.2013, 22:03
Re: Can not launch server - by Unte99 - 06.08.2013, 10:40
Re: Can not launch server - by saiberfun - 06.08.2013, 10:50
Re: Can not launch server - by Konstantinos - 06.08.2013, 10:53
Re: Can not launch server - by Unte99 - 06.08.2013, 11:16
Re: Can not launch server - by Konstantinos - 06.08.2013, 11:19
Re: Can not launch server - by saiberfun - 06.08.2013, 11:58
Re: Can not launch server - by Unte99 - 06.08.2013, 12:58

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