[FilterScript] Dynamic Boombox System[Fresh]

This is my Filterscript I have been working on for a few hours and I gotta tell you it was a big hastle but I finally got it finished and now im sending it out to the SA-MP community. I worked very hard on this please support me as this is my most work done on any Filterscript as of now. This Filterscript has been proven of it existence of working and I have tested it plenty of times, It processes on Incognito's Streamer, ******'s Foreach include and Zeex Command Processor. This has the Bomb placing Animation when Placing down the Boombox. Btw It Removes It when a Player Disconnects

Boombox Commands

Admin Boombox Commands - Needs to be Uncommented to work

Added Extra Commands
/dance [1-4]

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Messages In This Thread
Dynamic Boombox System[Fresh] - by San1 - 06.08.2013, 10:12
Re: Dynamic Boombox System[Fresh] - by JusstinRoller - 06.08.2013, 10:23
Re: Dynamic Boombox System[Fresh] - by McLuhan - 06.08.2013, 11:19
Re: Dynamic Boombox System[Fresh] - by Jankingston - 17.10.2013, 14:46

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