vehicle id 401..416 works?


As the title states, does that work?

Vehicle ID 401 till 416 will be wroten down by server then?

like this:

pawn Код:
new SpawnVehicles[][1]= {401..416, 418..424, 426..429, 431, 433};
so I can set in all vehicles except helicopters and boats?

Messages In This Thread
vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Stefand - 06.08.2013, 07:41
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by ThaCrypte - 06.08.2013, 07:42
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Stefand - 06.08.2013, 07:51
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Stefand - 06.08.2013, 07:54
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by morocco - 06.08.2013, 08:11
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Black Wolf - 06.08.2013, 08:13
AW: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by NaS - 06.08.2013, 08:16
Re: AW: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Black Wolf - 06.08.2013, 08:18
Re: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by Stefand - 06.08.2013, 08:28
AW: vehicle id 401..416 works? - by NaS - 06.08.2013, 08:32

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