05.08.2013, 21:56
here is the code that works : ( don't forget to +REP me ! )
note : in enums , the last OR pServiceTime don't need " , " at the end . if you put it . the whole code will not work !
enum pInfo { pKey[129], pLevel, pAdmin, pCookies, pDonateRank, gPupgrade, pConnectTime, pReg, pSex, pMask, pFirework1, pFirework2, pFirework3, pFirework, pAge, pFac, pFacRank, pFacLeader, pOrigin, pCK, pCash, pHospital, pMuted, pPrisonReason[128], pPrisonedBy[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], pFlag[128], pRMuted, pRMutedTotal, pRMutedTime, pVMuted, pVMutedTime, pCMuted, pCMutedTime, pFactionModerator, pAdvisorModerator, pGangModerator, pExp, pAccount, pCrimes, pPaintTeam, pKills, pDeaths, pArrested, pWantedDeaths, pPhoneBook, pLottoNr, pFishes, pToggedVIPChat, pBiggestFish, pJob, pAutoTextReply[64], pPhonePrivacy, pJob2, pNMute, pNMuteTotal, pADMute, pADMuteTotal, pHelpMute, pPayCheck, pHeadValue, pJailed, pBiz, pVBiz, pJailTime, pWRestricted, pMats, pBriefCase, pBCash, pBCrack, pBPot, pBMats, pPackages, pGM, pLeader, pMember, pDivision, pFMember, pSpeakerPhone, pRank, pChar, pStreetRep, pRepHandOut, pDetSkill, pSexSkill, pBoxSkill, pLawSkill, pMechSkill, pJackSkill, pCarSkill, pTruckSkill, pWantedLevel, pGunSkill, pGoods, pSMats, pPot, pCrack, pMeth, pSDrugs, pMInsure, pPcarkey, pPcarkey2, pPcarkey3, pBadgeNumber, pHasFakeBadge, pFakeBadge, pFakeRank, pBarricade, pHelper, pNewsSkill, pDrugsSkill, pArmsSkill, pSmugSkill, pCookSkill, pFishSkill, Float:pHealth, Float:pArmor, Float:pSArmor, Float:pSHealth, pInt, pLocal, pTeam, pModel, pPnumber, pSim, pSpeedo, pTogPm, pInternet, pSafe, pSmartPhone, pPhousekey, pPhousekey2, pPbiskey, pPgaragekey, Float:pPos_x, Float:pPos_y, Float:pPos_z, Float:pPos_r, pCarLic, pFlyLic, pBoatLic, pFishLic, pGunLic, pGuns[12], pAGuns[12], pCarTime, pPayDay, pPayDayHad, pCDPlayer, pWins, pLoses, pAlcoholPerk, pDrugPerk, pMiserPerk, pPainPerk, pTraderPerk, pTut, pAdminDuty, pWarns, pAdjustable, pMarried, pC4, pC4Get, pC4Used, pMarriedTo[128], pLock, pLockCar, pSprunk, pCigar, pPole, pSpraycan, pFuelcan, pRope, pDice, pBombs, pDuty, pFightStyle, pIP[32], pLastActive[32], pBanned, pPermaBanned, pDisabled, pAccent, pCHits, pFHits, pVW, pHouseInvite, pHydration, pRacePlayerLaps, pClothes, pRenting, pVehicles, pVehFile, pVehActive, pType1, pTempVIP, pBuddyInvited, pVIPInviteDay, pTokens, pPaintTokens, pType2, pType3, pType4, pType5, pDrugsTime, pLawyerTime, pGangWarn, pFactionBanned, pCSFBanned, pMechTime, pSexTime, pLawyerFreeTime, pGiftTime, pContractBy[32], pContractDetail[64], pBanAppealer, pShopTech, pUndercover, pTogReports, pRadio, pRadioFreq, pDutyHours, pAcceptedHelp, pAcceptReport, pTrashReport, pInsurance, pTriageTime, pVehicleKeys, pVehicleKeysFrom, pTaxiLicense, pTicketTime, pScrewdriver, pSmslog, pSmslog0[256], pSmslog1[256], pSmslog2[256], pSmslog3[256], pSmslog4[256], pSmslog5[256], pSmslog6[256], pSmslog7[256], pSmslog8[256], pSmslog9[256], pKillLog0[256], pKillLog1[256], pKillLog2[256], pKillLog3[256], pKillLog4[256], pKillLog5[256], pKillLog6[256], pKillLog7[256], pKillLog8[256], pKillLog9[256], pWristwatch, pSurveillance, pTire, pFirstaid, pRccam, pReceiver, pGPS, pSweep, pSweepLeft, pBugged, pCheckCash, pChecks, pWExists, Float:pWX, Float:pWY, Float:pWZ, pWVW, pWInt, pWValue, pWObject, pWTimer, pWSeeds, pWarrant[128], pJudgeJailTime, pJudgeJailType, pBeingSentenced, pProbationTime, pDMIndicators, pDMReport0[63], pDMReport1[63], pDMReport2[63], pDMReport3[63], pDMReport4[63], pDMReport5[63], pDMReport6[63], pDMReport7[63], pDMReport8[63], pDMReport9[63], pDMKills, pOrder, pOBlocked, pCallsAccepted, pPatientsDelivered, pLiveBanned, pFreezeBank, pServiceTime };