RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP]

<removeWorldObject id="removeWorldObject (des_a51infenc) (2)" radius="120.60289001465" interior="0" model="16094" lodModel="0" posX="191.14063" posY="1870.03906" posZ="21.47656" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></removeWorldObject>


<removeWorldObject id="removeWorldObject (a51_spottower) (1)" radius="13.529054641724" interior="0" model="3279" lodModel="0" posX="161.90625" posY="1933.09375" posZ="16.82031" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"></removeWorldObject>

I need these cords to be converted. Please.

Messages In This Thread
RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by Nirzor - 05.08.2013, 13:26
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by Sascha - 05.08.2013, 13:28
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by AdamCooper - 05.08.2013, 13:49
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by Nirzor - 05.08.2013, 14:29
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by sleepysnowflake - 05.08.2013, 14:33
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by ThePhenix - 05.08.2013, 14:40
Re: RemoveBuilding [HELP] [+REP] - by Nirzor - 05.08.2013, 14:44

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