Stock IsValidName - HELP

METHOD: Use "strfind" function to check if "_" exists in the name, use a variable and ++ it everytime you encounter a underscore. Then check if the variable is 2, AND check if there is a gap of atleast ONE CHARACTER between those two positions (save using ANOTHER variable - simplest way)

Messages In This Thread
Stock IsValidName - HELP - by TranquiliZed - 05.08.2013, 04:56
Re: Stock IsValidName - HELP - by Edix - 05.08.2013, 05:03
Re: Stock IsValidName - HELP - by TranquiliZed - 05.08.2013, 05:16
Re: Stock IsValidName - HELP - by Edix - 05.08.2013, 06:08
Re: Stock IsValidName - HELP - by RajatPawar - 05.08.2013, 07:56

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