Marker has always transparency

I've done this script to don't let the teams to see the opposite teams on the map, but the markers are a little bit visible, like i didn't 00 in the Alpha value, but 33. Here's the code:
    for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
   	if(gTeam[i] == Attack && gTeam[playerid] == Defense){
    SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, i, 0xFF000000);
    SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(i, playerid, 0x00FFFF00);}}

Messages In This Thread
Marker has always transparency - by FiReAlEx - 04.08.2013, 23:25
Re: Marker has always transparency - by -Prodigy- - 05.08.2013, 01:44
Re: Marker has always transparency - by FiReAlEx - 05.08.2013, 09:34

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