ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC"..

Ah, thanks very much for the information 2KY, it helped me find the error. One of the else's on the bottom of OnDialogResponse had the coding to kick the player, removing that fixed my problem. I wouldn't have found out without your help to be honest . +1 rep'd.

Messages In This Thread
ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC".. - by DanishHaq - 04.08.2013, 14:59
Re: ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC".. - by 2KY - 04.08.2013, 15:02
Re: ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC".. - by DanishHaq - 04.08.2013, 15:03
Re: ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC".. - by 2KY - 04.08.2013, 15:05
Re: ShowPlayerDialog Server closed the connection upon "ESC".. - by DanishHaq - 04.08.2013, 15:12

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