
Originally Posted by Jack.7331
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If I've interpreted what you mean, you'll want to add another ShowPlayerDialog just before where it says SetSpawnInfo.
I have tried that but the problem is that the dialog won't show up and it might fuck up the login (incorrect) password thing. Mind giving me an example or hit me up on skype? dwerig is my skype name if you want to see what's actually happening. I am not houndred percent sure where I shall place the new showplayerdialog, I have tried to make a new case, placed it underneath the register dialog and moved spawn thingy to after age just to try, didn't work at all.

Messages In This Thread
Dialogs? - by Hargrave - 04.08.2013, 11:16
Re: Dialogs? - by Jack.7331 - 04.08.2013, 11:35
Re: Dialogs? - by Hargrave - 04.08.2013, 11:40
Re: Dialogs? - by Facerafter - 04.08.2013, 11:44
Re: Dialogs? - by Hargrave - 04.08.2013, 11:51

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