INI string

You use Y_INI to manage your files? (

Use to show a dialog to the player (use style DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT ) then use to know what he typed.

If he press the left button response is one, so if the first button is "Save Email" do:

if (response)
// Here save your email address
INI_WriteString ( File_Handler , "email", inputtext );
Inside inputtext you have what he typed.

Messages In This Thread
INI string - by CH | FuDo - 03.08.2013, 23:50
Re: INI string - by RedJohn - 04.08.2013, 00:12
Re: INI string - by CH | FuDo - 04.08.2013, 00:35
Re: INI string - by ReVo_ - 04.08.2013, 00:40

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