skin chosing in the baze

pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/undercover", cmdtext, true, 11) == 0) // if the player type the right cmd
            new skinid; // create a skinid to stock de skin entered by the player
            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pTeam] == TEAM_FBI) // If the player is from TEAM_FBI (change it by the variable you have)
                if(sscanf(cmdtext[12], "i", skinid)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x41A5F5FF, "[USE] /undercover <skinid>"); // If the player just type the command send this message
                    SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinid); // Else change the skin with the one that te player entered
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x41A5F5FF, "Your skin has been changed");
                    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
skin chosing in the baze - by Luca12 - 03.08.2013, 20:56
Re : skin chosing in the baze - by Garwan50 - 03.08.2013, 21:15
Re: skin chosing in the baze - by Hansrutger - 03.08.2013, 21:17
Re: skin chosing in the baze - by Luca12 - 03.08.2013, 21:28
Re: skin chosing in the baze - by Hansrutger - 03.08.2013, 21:56
Re: skin chosing in the baze - by Marricio - 03.08.2013, 22:36

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