03.08.2013, 18:49
Post this in the scripting help board next time
But since you asked so nicely I'm going to help you out here, go back to convertffs.com and do this:
Input: SA-MP CreateObject/YSI CreateDynamicObject ( Choose the one you have )
Output: MTA 1.0 object
Then convert it all and you should have the MTA code, go ahead and paste that into a text file and rename it " MyMap.map " ( just an example )
Save the file and voilб you have your .map file
But since you asked so nicely I'm going to help you out here, go back to convertffs.com and do this:
Input: SA-MP CreateObject/YSI CreateDynamicObject ( Choose the one you have )
Output: MTA 1.0 object
Then convert it all and you should have the MTA code, go ahead and paste that into a text file and rename it " MyMap.map " ( just an example )
Save the file and voilб you have your .map file