mysql login help

|Hello i have i think really simple problem which i don't know why is like this but i have compiled my gamemode script fine and there is like SQL_HOST and other things i set up my vps server + phpmyadmin by same address so i think SQL_HOST should be " localhost " i am going to put some pictures down here how i set up my mysql and why my server crashes .. its writing connecting to mysql db and it shut down because i think something went wrong


Messages In This Thread
mysql login help - by Deividas1 - 03.08.2013, 15:53
Re: mysql login help - by Deividas1 - 03.08.2013, 16:47
Re: mysql login help - by sarab_singh - 03.08.2013, 18:17
Re: mysql login help - by Sk1lleD - 03.08.2013, 22:41

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