Weird y_ini reading problem

here you go,

I couldn't get my head to work around any issues with why your code wouldn't work. I suspected it was the loop in LoadPlayerPos func, but you haven't posted anything on the arrays (pos_ACTUAL etc) so I went ahead with this.

currIndex is used to specify a position and it's information (handler, counter, pos_x etc) so you could increment and loop through all if you'd like. edit - with that being said, you basically use what you need as opposed storing all file information in arrays and then being selective.

Messages In This Thread
Weird y_ini reading problem - by [XST]O_x - 02.08.2013, 14:29
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by Ada32 - 02.08.2013, 16:17
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by [XST]O_x - 02.08.2013, 16:49
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by Ada32 - 03.08.2013, 07:26
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by [XST]O_x - 03.08.2013, 09:53
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by Ada32 - 03.08.2013, 10:23
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by [XST]O_x - 03.08.2013, 12:20
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by Ada32 - 04.08.2013, 11:46
Re: Weird y_ini reading problem - by [XST]O_x - 04.08.2013, 13:02

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