Signcheck help needed

Use brackets if unsure about the order of operators. This:
pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 100 * Tax;
Will most likely compile as:
pawn Код:
PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / (100 * Tax);
If your tax is is, say, 10% then you will divide the player's money by 1000 instead of taking 10%.

Though that's probably not the only problem. You'll have to carefully examine each calculation.

Messages In This Thread
Signcheck help needed - by Songason - 02.08.2013, 10:09
Re: Signcheck help needed - by Songason - 02.08.2013, 10:16
Re: Signcheck help needed - by Vince - 02.08.2013, 11:34
AW: Signcheck help needed - by Nero_3D - 02.08.2013, 13:35

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