02.08.2013, 07:40
Последний раз редактировалось cessil; 03.08.2013 в 01:10.
i dont use limitplayermarkerradius or the chat radius
Actually its the npc's markers i like to see and their playercolor and markercolor are pink
what did you mean with the colors arent ' opaque ' ?
I do use SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer ..the players markers are invisible for eachother but everyone should be able to see the npcs markers.
Alright..i removed all functions like setplayercolor..setplayermarkerforplayer
checked if there was limitglobalchatradius or markers and they werent there.
I even removed all my filterscripts
I only have ShowPlayerMarkers(PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL); in ongamemodeinit
and still i cant see the markers everywhere...this function is making fun with me GLOBAL my ass XD
i dont use limitplayermarkerradius or the chat radius
Actually its the npc's markers i like to see and their playercolor and markercolor are pink
You might have LimitPlayerMarkerRadius, or LimitGlobalChatRadius which also affects the markers. Or your colors simply aren't opaque.
I do use SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer ..the players markers are invisible for eachother but everyone should be able to see the npcs markers.
Alright..i removed all functions like setplayercolor..setplayermarkerforplayer
checked if there was limitglobalchatradius or markers and they werent there.
I even removed all my filterscripts
I only have ShowPlayerMarkers(PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL); in ongamemodeinit
and still i cant see the markers everywhere...this function is making fun with me GLOBAL my ass XD