Load Houses


Where the code stops to work?


    new fstring[128],file[128],string[256]; //The string for the file [format]
    format(fstring, 128, "Houses/%d.ini", houseid); //Format the filename
    if(!fexist(fstring)) return 0; //"If Houses/{houseid} not exists then return False (0)"
    INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadHouseData_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = houseid);
Why you use fstring and file, you pass an empty string to INI_ParseFile. Remove "file" and use fstring

Messages In This Thread
Load Houses - by wumpyc - 01.08.2013, 00:36
Re: Load Houses - by ReVo_ - 01.08.2013, 00:39
Re: Load Houses - by wumpyc - 01.08.2013, 00:48
Re: Load Houses - by ReVo_ - 01.08.2013, 00:58
Re: Load Houses - by wumpyc - 01.08.2013, 01:49
Re: Load Houses - by Threshold - 01.08.2013, 06:49
Re: Load Houses - by wumpyc - 01.08.2013, 08:27
Re: Load Houses - by wumpyc - 02.08.2013, 03:37
Re: Load Houses - by wumpyc - 03.08.2013, 05:28
Re: Load Houses - by Ayumi - 03.08.2013, 12:39

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