31.07.2013, 12:15
Well mine was a update query, idk. Here see for yourself
Alright. Maybe you should use IRC, can message you easier there too.
pawn Код:
forward Check_For_Unbans();
public Check_For_Unbans()
mysql_function_query(McHandle, "UPDATE `"#BAN_TABLE_NAME"` SET `"#BAN_COLUMN_EXPIRE"` = -1 WHERE `"#BAN_COLUMN_EXPIRE"` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND `"#BAN_COLUMN_EXPIRE"` != 0", true, "Thread_Check_For_Unbans", "i", -1); //expires = 0 // DATE_ADD("#BAN_COLUMN_TIME_BANNED", INTERVAL "#BAN_COLUMN_TIME" SECOND) <= NOW()
return 1;
new count = mysql_affected_rows();
printf("[Server: Check_For_Unbans] - %d Banned Players Have Been Unbanned", count);
MessageToAdmins(_, "[Server: Check_For_Unbans] - %d Banned Players Have Been Unbanned", count);
return 1;