Invisible Texture bugs in interior (SetObjectMaterial)

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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It looks like a weather/time related issue did you try changing them?
I tried changing the weather -> no differences. It seems to be purely different when in another interior.

Originally Posted by Avenger™
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What did you use to setplayerinterior cmd checkpoint by the look of it you did not srtplayerpos and setplayerinterior right, it can also be a possibility that, that your outside interior 0 and you looking inside a different interior
I am in an interior. I did some /interior while testing (this shows your current interior ID) and it was okay. Also, if you look carefully you can see the ocean in the background on the first screenshot, but on the second screenshot the ocean is invisible. The ocean is invisible while in an interior.

Would be awesome if someone could try and confirm this problem.

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