27.07.2013, 06:04
Последний раз редактировалось RajatPawar; 27.07.2013 в 07:05.
Sweet mother of jesus! I have USED a boolean array though I forgot to declare it as an array. Should have given me an error! How come it didn't - as I was accessing an array in a single boolean! But nevermind. Would any moderator be kind enough to fix it and reupload it or just remove the download until I can fix it? I need to add only [10] after leader. Cheers. Thanks for that, Y Less.
EDIT: FIXED AND re uploaded the CORRECT link.
Re - named all functions from "Organisation_.." to "Org_".
EDIT: FIXED AND re uploaded the CORRECT link.
Re - named all functions from "Organisation_.." to "Org_".