Is player standing at vehicle's trunk or hood

Originally Posted by [XST]O_x
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Something like that maybe... but it's hard to know, it's kind of approximate.
pawn Code:
stock GetXYBehindVehicle(vehicleid, &Float:x2, &Float:y2, Float:distance)
    new Float:a;
    GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, x2, y2, a);
    GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, a);
    x2 += (distance * floatsin(-a+180, degrees));
    y2 += (distance * floatcos(-a+180, degrees));

stock GetTrunkPos(vehicleid, &Float: x3, &Float:y3, &Float:z3)
    new Float: x, Float: y;
    new Float: sizeX, Float: sizeY, Float:sizeZ[2];
    GetVehicleModelInfo(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_SIZE, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ[0]);
    GetXYBehindVehicle(vehicleid, x, y, sizeY/2);
    x3 = x;
    y3 = y;
    GetVehicleModelInfo(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REAR_BUMPER_Z , sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ[1]);
    z3 = (sizeZ[1] + sizeZ[0]/2);
what will those two stocks return?

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