
Can SomeHelp me with this command im going crazy to fix it and couldn't find by anywhere how to make it by strcmp:

When Im using Params Insted of str, it gives me an error in game "unknown command".
(im not using zcmd only dcmd, cause zcmd crashes all my commands)
So i tried to make it strcmp and it just shows ingame "Audio Stream: [NOTINGHERE]"
stock PlayStreamForAll(playerid)
	foreach(Player, i)
		PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, str);
		print("[AdmCmd]: Admin Is Streaming Music Globally.");
	return 1;
if(strcmp(cmd, "/stream", true) == 0)
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
	        new str[128];
		foreach(Player, i)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"   You are not authorized to use that command !");
Help me fixing this please

Messages In This Thread
PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 25.07.2013, 10:51
Respuesta: PlayStreamForAll - by Xabi - 25.07.2013, 11:07
Re: Respuesta: PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 25.07.2013, 11:32
Respuesta: PlayStreamForAll - by Xabi - 25.07.2013, 13:26
Re: Respuesta: PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 25.07.2013, 23:47
Re: PlayStreamForAll - by PT - 26.07.2013, 02:56
Re: PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 26.07.2013, 03:34
Re: PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 26.07.2013, 15:06
Re: PlayStreamForAll - by PT - 26.07.2013, 16:55
Re: PlayStreamForAll - by maxpain43 - 26.07.2013, 17:37

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