Flying object

Hi guys.
1. I add grassplant (marihuana) as object use this:
pawn Код:
CreateObject(3409, 2461.7163, -1714.4058 ,13.5238, 0.00000000,0.00000000,91.49511719);
and my object is flying.
Question, why?

2. How to spawn this object opposite the player, only if player stay on the green grass (ID: 289?

Messages In This Thread
Spawn object - by Levtu - 22.07.2013, 13:25
AW: Flying object - by NaS - 22.07.2013, 13:36
Re: Flying object - by Levtu - 22.07.2013, 16:16
AW: Flying object - by NaS - 22.07.2013, 22:47

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