22.07.2013, 01:05
Do the following:
A user should be created. Then do this:
And set the password for the user.
Then make sure you do this, or the directory will not be writable for the user:
Make sure to replace ftp-uname-here with the username you want to use FTP with.
When this is done, log into FTP using the username and password of the user you just created!
Good luck.
EDIT: I thought I'd add an example...
# useradd -d /var/www/html ftp-uname-here
# passwd ftp-uname-here
Then make sure you do this, or the directory will not be writable for the user:
# chown -R ftp-uname-here /var/www/html
When this is done, log into FTP using the username and password of the user you just created!
Good luck.
EDIT: I thought I'd add an example...
# useradd -d /var/www/html webftp # passwd webftp New password: fluffs # chown -R webftp /var/www/html #