19.07.2013, 13:36
It's the offset of field in row.
value of:
field with offset 0 - "abc"
field with offset 1 - 1
field with offset 2 - 0x424344 (aka "ABC")
field with offset 3 - "def"
Let's say you have table with fields id, name, nick
field with offset 0 - id
field with offset 1 - name
field with offset 2 - nick
#e: This will return those field values
SELECT 'abc', 1, 0x424344, "def" FROM dual |
field with offset 0 - "abc"
field with offset 1 - 1
field with offset 2 - 0x424344 (aka "ABC")
field with offset 3 - "def"
Let's say you have table with fields id, name, nick
SELECT * FROM yourtable |
field with offset 1 - name
field with offset 2 - nick
#e: This will return those field values