[Tutorial] PAWN For Beginners : 1 - Understanding PAWN

Originally Posted by king_hual
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No, that is NOT what a compiler is used for. A compiler compiles source code into object code (binary).

Why SHOULD you delete comments? They do not affect the code in ANY way. The definition has already been commented, so it's being ignored.

So what you're saying is, even if we check whether a condition is true using #if, we should not use #endif to end the if statement?

These are called instructions, not functions.

PS: These are just a few of the errors in your tutorial.
Well, thank you for your answer. First of all, this is a BEGINNERS guide. So I am pretty sure they will understand 'Compiler checks errors' better. Should means a suggestion. I suggested it for helping the gamemode look better. Actually, I always delete it. I don't like how it looks like at the top of our script. Sorry for it. Seems like i wrote wrong there. I was a bit sleepy. You should NOT delete it if there is an #if statement. And I didn't know they were called instructions, I just guessed it as it is called 'functions' in almost all other programming languages. Thank you again for telling me my mistakes ^^

Originally Posted by BIGETI
PAWN is a typeless scripting language.
PAWN callbacks differs from regular calbacks known from another programming and scripting languages. The AMX handles the scripted callbacks itself.

Pawno is an editor, which helps you to create PAWN scripts. pawncc.exe is an extension to compile your PAWN scripts.

pawn Code:
This is only needed, if some includes actually requires information about where to initilialize code, otherwise it's not really necesarry.

Callbacks are there to handle events procedural called by the server.
Well, thank you for your answer too. I readed it was a C-based scripting language somewhere. Heard it was a mix of C,C# and C++. And actually it seemed like so to me too. But nvm, I will edit it as I am not sure.

I will edit the mistakes you posted. Thank you

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