House reset

For some reason, once every few restarts, a few random houses gets their data all blank.
First is load, second is save. Keep in mind that things like position, exit and design don't change, so I don't save them (pointless to do so)
for (new i; i != MAX_HOUSES ; i++){
		hOwnerName[i] = " ";
			INI_ParseFile(hPath(i),"loadhouses_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);
			hInfo[i][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(hInfo[i][owned] ? 1273 : 1272, 1, hInfo[i][hPickX], hInfo[i][hPickY], hInfo[i][hPickZ]);

public loadhouses_house(houseid, name[], value[]) //load houses function
	INI_Int("ID", hInfo[houseid][hID]); //House ID
	/* House Pickups and Exits */
	INI_Float("PickX", hInfo[houseid][hPickX]);
	INI_Float("PickY", hInfo[houseid][hPickY]);
	INI_Float("PickZ", hInfo[houseid][hPickZ]);
	INI_Int("Design", hInfo[houseid][hDesign]);
	INI_Int("Price", hInfo[houseid][hPrice]);
	INI_Bool("Owned", hInfo[houseid][owned]);
	INI_String("Owner", hOwnerName[houseid], MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
	INI_Float("ExitX", hInfo[houseid][hExitX]);
	INI_Float("ExitY", hInfo[houseid][hExitY]);
	INI_Float("ExitZ", hInfo[houseid][hExitZ]);
	return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
	for (new i; i != MAX_HOUSES; i++){
		if (!fexist(hPath(i))) continue;
		new INI:file = INI_Open(hPath(i)); //will open their file
		INI_SetTag(file,"House Data");
		INI_WriteBool(file,"Owned", hInfo[i][owned]);
		INI_WriteString(file,"Owner", hOwnerName[i]);
    print("Gamemode ended.");
    return 1;

Messages In This Thread
House reset - by Bharel - 16.07.2013, 14:46
Re: House reset - by Bharel - 17.07.2013, 23:18

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