Change: "Unknown Command"

If you want it just like that like the one you showed us, it's this:
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success);
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[]), success)
    if(!success) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{F20A0A}Error: {FFFFFF}That command doesn't exist, type /help for a list of commands.");
return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Change: "Unknown Command" - by arjanforgames - 16.07.2013, 10:05
Respuesta: Change: "Unknown Command" - by Xabi - 16.07.2013, 10:08
Re: Change: "Unknown Command" - by ikbenremco - 16.07.2013, 10:08
Re: Change: "Unknown Command" - by JimmyCh - 16.07.2013, 10:21

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