Choosing paths.

Well, for some of us, it has came that time when we need to choose the path/career we want to follow in our lives. It is happening to me right now, and I honestly cannot decide between tourism - my island indwells on it - or a data processing/computing course - which allows me to learn several coding languages, Information Systems, Computer Applications and Operating Systems and Business Organisation and Management Applications. It's a very hard decision.

What about you? Has that time of transaction between the 9th grade and 10th grade (in most countries) happened to you already? What did you choose? What are you going to choose? What's your career gonna be based into?

Messages In This Thread
Choosing paths. - by Twizted - 15.07.2013, 19:10
Re: Choosing paths. - by Gangster-rocks - 15.07.2013, 19:19
Re: Choosing paths. - by justsomeguy - 15.07.2013, 19:27
Re: Choosing paths. - by Twizted - 15.07.2013, 21:56
Re: Choosing paths. - by Haydn - 15.07.2013, 22:15
Re: Choosing paths. - by Twizted - 15.07.2013, 22:22
Re: Choosing paths. - by Deathstalker - 15.07.2013, 22:32
Re: Choosing paths. - by BatmanAndRobin - 15.07.2013, 22:45
Re: Choosing paths. - by [MM]IKKE - 15.07.2013, 22:49
Re: Choosing paths. - by RayW - 15.07.2013, 23:07

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