CMD:Exit does not get the right house

Yes, because "new HouseID" returns 0 and you assign your CurrentHouse variable to this.
You have to store the houseID when you enter the house

Messages In This Thread
CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by thimo - 14.07.2013, 11:45
AW: CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by Macronix - 14.07.2013, 11:47
Respuesta: CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by Xabi - 14.07.2013, 11:48
Re: CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by thimo - 14.07.2013, 11:52
Respuesta: Re: CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by Xabi - 14.07.2013, 11:54
Re: CMD:Exit does not get the right house - by thimo - 14.07.2013, 11:56

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