Infinitely Vehicle Health

SetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, 9999999);

Or use OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate, there place code to RepairVehicle(vehicleid); this will repair the car if it hits something including bodywork. However sometimes it called too late and the player ies anyway

Messages In This Thread
Infinitely Vehicle Health - by Blackazur - 13.07.2013, 21:35
Re: Infinitely Vehicle Health - by IceCube! - 13.07.2013, 21:37
AW: Infinitely Vehicle Health - by Blackazur - 13.07.2013, 22:29
AW: Infinitely Vehicle Health - by Macronix - 13.07.2013, 23:22
AW: Infinitely Vehicle Health - by Blackazur - 13.07.2013, 23:29
AW: Infinitely Vehicle Health - by Macronix - 13.07.2013, 23:36

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