11.07.2013, 14:58
Ability to understand you're dreaming whilst you're dreaming, and if you manage to do that you can pretty much dream about anything, like climbing a huge mountain or flying over New York on a banana-powered monkey.
On Topic: Lucid dreams are pretty common for me, whenever I see something strange in my dreams I understand that I'm dreaming, yet then there's a big chance of me waking up. If I manage to stay asleep, I usually interact with stuff around my dream as I please. I love when there's girls nearby in lucid dreams, ohohohoh *boner*.
On Topic: Lucid dreams are pretty common for me, whenever I see something strange in my dreams I understand that I'm dreaming, yet then there's a big chance of me waking up. If I manage to stay asleep, I usually interact with stuff around my dream as I please. I love when there's girls nearby in lucid dreams, ohohohoh *boner*.