3 questions

1. Yes, but be aware that most callbacks need to return 0 in all of your other filterscripts, otherwise filterscripts that load later on will not trigger. For example if you return 1 in OnDialogResponse in the a.amx filterscript, b.amx's OnDialogResponse will not trigger at all.
2. If you don't have the .pwn, you can decompile your .amx with DeAMX but you will probably not like the results very much. So you're kinda SOL if you don't have the .pwn source code.
3. GetPlayerName doesn't return anything, it puts the player's name inside the string that you specify in the function. All the string functions are in string.inc in your pawno include folder - you can see them way down at the bottom in PAWNO.

Messages In This Thread
3 questions - by Pilip93 - 09.07.2013, 21:17
Re: 3 questions - by arjanforgames - 09.07.2013, 21:35
Re: 3 questions - by Alternative112 - 09.07.2013, 21:49
Re: 3 questions - by Pilip93 - 10.07.2013, 09:34
Re: 3 questions - by Pilip93 - 10.07.2013, 13:34

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