Scripting program?

Hi comminuty of SA-MP,

My pawno is not working out, because it comes up saying: "unable to execute compiler..."

Do you have any nice scripting program that works good?
Or are you able to help me with my issue? It says: this program is not a valid WIN32 application, and my operation system is 64bit... so it gives no sence..
Are you able to help me?

And when I try to just open the .pwn file it comes up saying the following:

(This program, is not a valid WIN32 application.)

Messages In This Thread
Scripting program? - by Lyksus - 08.07.2013, 09:28
Re: Scripting program? - by [MM]RoXoR[FS] - 08.07.2013, 09:31
Re: Scripting program? - by Lyksus - 08.07.2013, 09:33
Re: Scripting program? - by Aerotactics - 08.07.2013, 09:35
Re: Scripting program? - by Konstantinos - 08.07.2013, 09:36
Re: Scripting program? - by Lyksus - 08.07.2013, 09:39

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