Server shutting down

Originally Posted by tungki
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Try to install .NetFrameWork 3.5 And .NetFrameWork 4
it's usually work
Well, I'm not really sure, but I think that isn't the problem, an error should appear in server_log.txt.

PD: try with the "steps" way, which I said you before, that's what I do most of times when I can't find the error.

Messages In This Thread
Server shutting down - by lexurs - 06.07.2013, 00:00
Respuesta: Server shutting down - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 06.07.2013, 00:05
Re: Server shutting down - by lexurs - 06.07.2013, 00:07
Re: Server shutting down - by lexurs - 06.07.2013, 00:10
Respuesta: Server shutting down - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 06.07.2013, 00:10
Re: Server shutting down - by tungki - 06.07.2013, 00:14
Re: Server shutting down - by lexurs - 06.07.2013, 00:14
Respuesta: Server shutting down - by [DOG]irinel1996 - 06.07.2013, 00:17

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