05.07.2013, 23:27
I think the error is appearing because this string is too long. Maybe try and shorten it to see if it works.
To remove the errors; all you have to do is remove the symbols. Eg: "GunObjects" was created in your script but you never actually used it anywhere.
Control+F and search the words and then remove or comment them out using '//' and see does that fix your error and warnings.
"{FF0000} Piloodi abi\n\n{00FF00}/tццle {0000FF}-> {FFFFFF}Kasuta commandit lennukis, et tццle asuda.\n{00FF00}/lahkutццlt {0000FF}-> {FFFFFF}Lahku piloodi tццlt.\n{00FF00}/aksepteeri [tцц/lahku] {0000FF}-> {FFFFFF}Aksepteeri vхi lahku tццkohast.\n{00FF00}/liitu {0000FF}-> {FFFFFF}Olles lennuki pickupis ning kirjutades /liitu, saad alustada piloodina tццga.\n{00FF00}/piloodiabi {0000FF}-> {FFFFFF}Nдitab seda abi dialoogi."
Control+F and search the words and then remove or comment them out using '//' and see does that fix your error and warnings.