Essential plugins and includes for a script?

You should know what do you need not people to tell you, but we can recommend, because it depends on what you prefer (like a command processor and a streamer). I prefer Incognito's streamer and zcmd as a command processor. Otherwise, you need to know what certain things you'd add to your script.

Messages In This Thread
Essential plugins and includes for a script? - by Grooty - 05.07.2013, 01:10
Re: Essential plugins and includes for a script? - by Red_Dragon. - 05.07.2013, 01:24
Re: Essential plugins and includes for a script? - by Guest123 - 05.07.2013, 01:39
Re: Essential plugins and includes for a script? - by Pottus - 05.07.2013, 02:55

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