trigonometry in programming

Probably the most famous and one of the most simplistic would be getting a position in front of the player but you could also use it to say calculate the rx, ry of a slope using map andreas. You could calculate animation frames for throwing an object (sine) the uses are endless.

Messages In This Thread
trigonometry in programming - by thefatshizms - 01.07.2013, 19:11
Re: trigonometry in programming - by Pottus - 01.07.2013, 19:56
Re: trigonometry in programming - by MP2 - 01.07.2013, 20:10
Re: trigonometry in programming - by jamesbond007 - 01.07.2013, 20:18
Re: trigonometry in programming - by thefatshizms - 01.07.2013, 21:00
Re: trigonometry in programming - by MP2 - 01.07.2013, 21:03
Re: trigonometry in programming - by jamesbond007 - 01.07.2013, 22:44
Re: trigonometry in programming - by thefatshizms - 01.07.2013, 22:50
Re: trigonometry in programming - by MP2 - 01.07.2013, 23:10
Re: trigonometry in programming - by Antonio144 - 02.07.2013, 14:07

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