Time Cycle??

Use TogglePlayerClock, but keep the time stored in variable. I suggest you use the timerfix inc/plugin (fixes2 by ******), otherwise you'll be behind by like 10 seconds every minute. This is what I do on my server:

Week starts at 6AM monday. On a one second timer, the time progresses by 1 second (and minutes/hours/days too). When a player spawns, set their time to the one stored in the server.

On my server, the weather changes every 4 hours, and when it changes, every player's time is synced with the server. If you set their weather then a minute later set their time, the weather will change instantly. If you don't want interpolated weather, don't use TogglePlayerClock.

Messages In This Thread
Time Cycle?? - by NoahF - 30.06.2013, 14:38
Re: Time Cycle?? - by LeeXian99 - 30.06.2013, 14:39
Re: Time Cycle?? - by NoahF - 30.06.2013, 14:40
Re: Time Cycle?? - by GeniusPobs - 30.06.2013, 15:23
Re: Time Cycle?? - by NoahF - 30.06.2013, 16:01
Re: Time Cycle?? - by Twizted - 30.06.2013, 17:35
Re: Time Cycle?? - by MP2 - 30.06.2013, 18:32
Re: Time Cycle?? - by NoahF - 30.06.2013, 19:51

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