A ban command for Y_INI

pawn Код:
    new reason,string[124];
    //other stuff
   INI_WriteString(filenamehere,"Ban Reason",string);
That should write into file with a reason. I've put filenamehere as that because i use

pawn Код:
new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid));
So it'll write into my player files as

pawn Код:
    new reason,string[124];
    //other stuff
    new INI:file = INI_Open(Path(playerid));
    INI_WriteString(file,"Ban Reason",string);
Or you can be lazy and write it to a log. You can then look through logs and see sorry if it seems messy. I can't script from the reply box :P

Messages In This Thread
A ban command for Y_INI - by _Khaled_ - 24.06.2013, 21:59
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by HaiderABbas - 24.06.2013, 22:05
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by DobbysGamertag - 24.06.2013, 22:06
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by _Khaled_ - 24.06.2013, 22:08
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by DobbysGamertag - 24.06.2013, 22:15
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by _Khaled_ - 24.06.2013, 22:21
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by _Khaled_ - 25.06.2013, 00:24
Re: A ban command for Y_INI - by Mike_Peterson - 25.06.2013, 08:34

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