My teamchat fails

Hai there!

I'm wondering if somebody could help me with this. I want a teamchat and I tried creating one, but it epicly failed.

As you can see in the pic it shouldn't be like that. I want it to be ! <text>. (And you can't see you typed ! <text). And if possible something like (TEAM) <Name>: <Histext>.

This is what I have now already:

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
	new string[256];
  if(text[0] == '!')
    for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
      if(gTeam[playerid] == gTeam[i])
      format(string, sizeof(string), "(Team) %s", text[1]);
      SendPlayerMessageToPlayer(i, playerid, string);
    return 0; 

  return 1; 
Thanks in advantage!


Messages In This Thread
My teamchat fails - by GTA_Rules - 28.03.2009, 08:55
Re: My teamchat fails - by pen_theGun - 28.03.2009, 09:27
Re: My teamchat fails - by GTA_Rules - 28.03.2009, 11:56
Re: My teamchat fails - by [M2S]moe - 28.03.2009, 12:56
Re: My teamchat fails - by GTA_Rules - 28.03.2009, 14:10
Re: My teamchat fails - by introzen - 28.03.2009, 14:20
Re: My teamchat fails - by GTA_Rules - 28.03.2009, 17:34
Re: My teamchat fails - by Backwardsman97 - 28.03.2009, 17:40
Re: My teamchat fails - by GTA_Rules - 28.03.2009, 21:14
Re: My teamchat fails - by pen_theGun - 28.03.2009, 23:07

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